Series Review: Shadow and Bone 2
The Darkling is back. Alina is stronger, and Mal is an important piece of the puzzle.
After waiting for two long years, we finally got the second season of Shadow and Bone and it was worth it. We got so many new angles, new characters and a clearer explanation.
New Characters
It’s not always easy accepting new faces in a season you love because they always feel like outsiders, but these guys made it feel like they had always been a part of the storyline: Toyla, Tamar, Nikolai, and Wylan.
Toyla and Tamar
My favorite twins so far from Shu. These guys gave of that energy real life siblings have, especially close twins. The minute I saw Toyla I knew I had seen him someplace else and after a while it came to me: Mortal Kombat. I loved this two” their synergy, humour and even off screen vibe is everything.
My gosh if they kill him off next season they are going to have issues with a lot people because he is such a cute guy. Plus, he’s adorable. I know I’m girl fanning, but come on already. Did you see that guy? When Kaz found him out I felt he was a bad guy with only selfish intentions but finding out his true identity, pkus his desire to do good bought me over entirely. I’m team Nikolai now and would even appreciate if Alina could begin to have feelings for him. They chemistry is there, but need a little spark to ignite what we all want.
Our nervous looking demolition man, turned Jesper’s partner is easy on the eyes all right and a weird addition to the Crows. His innocence reminds me of Hughie in The Boys. That one person who’ll always be the heart of the group and keep them on a more moral path.
Best Delivery
Hands down Dirty Hands Kaz has got to be the best delivery in the entire season. We’ve always known Kaz to be tough, but seeing him switch from a mean and heartless fellow to one who’s deeply in love with Inej was intriguing. The tenacity at which he went after Pekka was insane and though I was worried about the cost his teammates would pay for this revenge, it panned out. Turns out going after a big fish requires a certain level of madness which only Kaz can display. I do wish he had been more vulnerable with Inej. He loves her. She loves him, but he needs to open up more and let go of vengeance and revenge.
Oh, my dear Genya. I do hate the Darkling for disfiguring her face, but she has shown she is way more than a pretty face and I’m happy David appreciated that. I was terrified when The Darkling saved her and even more terrified when the Nothingness came at her.
Starting off the season with that heated romantic scene had me smiling like a fool, but I got that dreaded feeling it wouldn’t last for a long. I was right. The Firebird revelation was disheartening but also an opportunity for Mal to navigate his life without being someone’s destiny. My annoyance was at Alina. Most times we allow our emotions cloud our judgements so much we refuse to think about alternatives. From the minute they found out he was the Firebird, they should have called a meeting with everyone and workshopped on the bone idea rather than yelling no and crying everywhere.
Alina doesn’t listen and God knows it’s annoying. Despite promising Baghra she will never use black magic, what did she do? She summoned it will her whole heart, now she’s the Dark Summoner. Jeez!
I can’t hate him as a person. His real life persona is so different from his portrayal that it clouds my judgement. Why couldn’t eh just use love to get Alina to his side? Why fear? If he had maybe led with love it may have turned out better for everyone. Oh well, he is gone now, but he had better make an appearance next season. I don’t care how they do it.
Nina and Matthias
If we get a season 3, I want more story development for Matthias. With Pekka leading Hellgate. I feel so bad for his future with Nina. But I love to see how they grow their love, if its still there and can’t wait for him to get out of there.
The Crows are my favourite gang ever and if the news about a spin-off is true, we may just be getting more of them with Matthias as the sixth crow. Jesper’s Durast ability is awesome. Using his buttons against the tide maker was lit. She didn’t even notice her fingers were missing. Sorry, bae. I’m trying not to elongate this review, but it’s proving difficult.
My best fights scene was the encounter with the Saint who guides the sword. She was just so tough and mean. That poison touch was mean spirited.
If we don’t ever get a season 3 at least we know have clear skies. The fold is down. The Darkling is dead and the city is safe. On the downside, Nikolai is infected. Matthias is still in Hellgate. The Crows have to find the enhancer and Mal is a privateer. I think of like that for Mal. new life independent of everything Alina is just what he needs and I hope Toyla and Inej bond since Kaz doesn’t want to step up.
It was worth the wait after all and I can’t wait for what next they have for us.