Movie Review: The Mother
JLO as a badass mother is a nice break from her romcom roles.
As usual, I didn’t watch the trailer of this movie, but I saw JLO and that was enough for me. Plus, the synopsis felt good. I saw it and it was good, right, but erm, it wasn’t exceptionally mind-blowing. There was nothing new in the story and I already knew in my head that they would bond eventually.
The movies starts with her interrogation and at first we don’t see it, but she’s heavily pregnant. She saves Williams’ life and tries to hide out the bad guy who despite seeing she was pregnant still stabbed her. What a monster!
I can’t imagine signing away my child hours after giving birth to her. As the movie progress we get to see that blood is thicker than water as her daughter has a sharp mind and also does the same heart steadying pattern her mother is used to. Circumstances bring both together as love grows from hate.
Williams’ death hurt. It really did. I wish they had given them a chance to grow a relationship at least. I liked how she singlehandedly got rid of both guys. The moron in the hacienda allowed lust override his senses. How do people always allow someone without a gun manuever them? How. The first thing should have been to injure her. A shot or two in the leg at least. The second guy was way more impressive, despite doing the same thing: dropping the gun to engage in hand-hand combat. Stupid.
Overall, the movie was interesting. It had cool fight scenes and tugged at my heart, but it wasn’t anything we haven’t seen before and I say this with full respect to the crew and cast. Should you watch it? Yes. It’s a good watch.