Movie Review: The Batman (2022)
It’s been two years since Bruce Wayne took to the vigilante status and Gotham hasn’t gotten better. If anything, it births new criminals, one of which is the Riddler.
The Riddler who is inspired by Batman seeks to carry out justice and cleanse Gotham of the liars. When the body count rises, Batman must strive to solve this riddle once and for all.
First off, how did the Mayor not know someone was behind him? Doesn’t he have the regular instinct? You know those tingling sensations you get when someone is watching you intently?
The diary stuff gives off a Rorschach vibe from the Watchmen, it was deep and brooding and also gives us a glimpse into the mysterious mind of Batman. I so didn’t know Pattison could have such a deep voice.
Lines that stuck
“When that light hits the sky, it’s not just a call, it’s a warning to them.”
“Fear is a tool.”
“They think I’m hiding in the shadows, but I am the shadow.”
His introduction in the subway was cool. Oh, and did you see our Robin from the Titans? Is there something there? Are they trying to tell us there might be continuity and the guy might just denounce his thug life and become a Robin?
Think about it. They could have used anyone there, but they chose him. Hmm.
“I’m the vengeance.”
Riddles All The Way
What does a liar do when he’s dead? He lies still.
I so nailed this riddle in a heart’s beat.
The Riddler was good. Though a bit too menacing from what I’m used to. Normal Riddlers were crazy and flat out criminal, but this one had a different mandate and a mad technique. And by mad, I mean insane.
The Penguin
Penguin’s costume and makeup were so crazy. I know everyone has said so before, but yeah, it’s true. It looks nothing like Colin Farrell and everything like the comic Penguin. Colin played out his role well. It wasn't just the prosthetics, his voice and carriage were also different.
Cat woman
Zoe did well. She was flexible, sultry, fierce, emotional, irrational, and rational. All the traits we’ve seen from the Cat Woman character.
But what was up with her mask?
Is the idea of a mask not to conceal? I don't get how hers works. You reveal your eyes and then hid your nose. Hope she could breathe properly. The tension between her and Pattison was good. It wasn't overtly unrealistic and dreamy but gave enough to show that something could be there if the Batan would just leave Gotham be.
Why do people always delay in removing a mask? Make it make sense. Here was the vigilante they had been loathing for years and when he passes out in their presence, they allow him to stay unconscious without removing his mask? And the only time they remember to do so, he suddenly wakes up.
They didn't want to know. That would have been my first instinct. Maybe because Gordon was there.
In this Batman, we get a detective Gordon, and he pretty much did the Gordon thing. He was trustworthy and clean and wasn't in any way corrupt. His teamwork with Pat was cool, but I didn't really feel him that much. I mean, he did well, but I didn't get that Gordon vibe so much.
Batman needs to work on his landing. Take a cue from the Avengers, bruv. Nice flying, by the way.
What was Alfred thinking?
A package that said for Bruce Wayne’s eyes only. Poor butler. I get he was being Alfred, but I know I wouldn't even go close to the package, least of all open it. Even if I had to, I would get a containment chamber first. Happy he didn't die and was alive to show Bruce he still had the heart to care for someone.
Thomas Wayne
Does being good mean you won’t ever make a mistake? Does one wrong act erase the entire good done for 20 years? I don’t know how to fault Thomas Wayne. He had a pit of weakness and allowed an inner part of him took over.
It’s sad. He sought to protect his wife from her past troubles. Hmm. At least we know why he dresses up like a Bat every night and beats people up. Insanity runs deep.
Don’t throw your life away.
Don’t worry, honey. I got nine of them.
Classic reply. A cat has got to do what a cat has got to do, right?
The Riddler and Batman are on the same line but on a different spectrum. They have the same mandate, but different techniques.
I know this is rather off, but is the Batman’s way working for Gotham? He puts the same people in prison and somehow they get out. Or they remain in Arkham and get followership like no other.
Riddler, on the other hand, just wipes them out.
Okay, okay.
Riddler is bad because he plays judge, jury and executioner. People like Riddler overdo it. Imagine trying to kill Bruce Wayne for something his father did 20 years ago.
Batman on the other hand, seems to have some sort of control. You can see that in the way he refuses to use guns or even kill his enemies.
Being in his line of work has a lot of downsides because one wrong move or giving into vengeance and it’s done.
Thanks for the tips on Detonators.
People are sicker than the Riddler. The fact he has followers and they give him advice is just worse. Where do they think they’ll be when it goes kaboom? Followers and lack of sense.
The movie was really dark. I get they were trying to paint the Gotham picture for us, but they might have overdone the entire thing. Darkness and vengeance everywhere.
Did I love Pattison’s portrayal? Yes, I did. And no, I’m not comparing him to anybody. He did well and has earned some break from the Twilight Saga. Did you see how he got jealous about Falcone and Cat woman? My guy (in Jason Momoa’s voice).
Did anyone else think that the Riddler knew his identity and that the video was going to unmask him? I honestly thought that was it. The newspaper clippings on the wall with the question mark on Bruce Wayne gave the impression that the Riddler knew who he was, and when he started mentioning Bruce Wayne in Arkham, I held my breath tight.
I only relaxed when he said they didn't get him. You could also see Batman relaxed, too. Close shave.
He wanting to show his face and Cat woman declining is the cutest thing ever. Let us love in secret, honey.
Overall, it was a good watch. Watch it without comparing any other Batman to it and you’ll enjoy it.