Movie Review: Sharper
What happens when wit matches wit and a good conscience sparks sincerity? Sharper does.
Quick recap
The movie strings four characters along in a web of lies, con and love. Tom the son, lover and bookstore owner. Sandy/ Sandra the parolee and apprentice. Madeline the grieving widow and fake mom and finally our main actor, Max. The one who ties all characters together in an arc that is superb and exciting.
Spoilers ahead.
I seldom read reviews before picking a movie to watch. I just go through my download platform and pick anyone that looks good from the synopsis and I also watch out for the cast. When I saw Julianne Moore, Sebastian Stan and Justice Smith on the poster, I was curious. What sort of movie could bring these three actors together?
The first ten minutes gave me Joe Goldberg energy. the bookstore, the nerd attendee and the innocent girl. But when the whole story of her brother and money came into play, I got suspicious. I screamed at my screen, “She’s playing you, bruv.”
I so love a good con movie. Movies like The Italian Job make me appreciate con and theft, but this was something else. It was how each person’s supposed checkmate was just the start of another deceptive chess game. You just didn’t know who was being truthful and who wasn’t.
The whole movie came together in a wonderful final scene where we finally get the whole picture. I also like how the final flashback didn’t go so much into detail but gave enough for us to understand what Sandy had done and how Tom would die.
Trash or watch? The movie wasn’t just about a con, but about people and how each person’s ability to be honest or dishonest could play for or against them. It’s a must watch if you need something soothing for this coming weekend.