Movie Review: Jeepers Creeper, Reborn
Turning a blind eye is not an option.
Ahh, yes it is, when a mad driver with plate number BEATNGU is pursuing me. That kind couple killed themselves. Don't get me wrong. It's good to help, but there are times when you just let the cops in or turn a true blind eye.
I get being a geek and all, but Chase was all too stupidly childish. I love horror movies a great deal, but I wouldn't want to attend an event where everyone is dressed like a serial killer.
Comic cosplay is one thing, but this is on another level. I would be so worried about getting stabbed by a real weapon.
People are insane to be honest. Why would you worship a serial killer and turn him into an urban legend? How do we move from being afraid to honoring a serial killer?
Nah, no level of true love would make me consent to this level of absurdity. How does the Creeper know what an internet mast is anyway? Deeply concerned about its development.
Mike the camera guy must not have seen enough horror movies. Who talks to a random stranger and then goes ahead to follow them even when they don't repsond? Jeez. So many things are getting me pissed already.
Is it just me or was the CGI very odd? It felt outdated. Must be nice being able to replace body parts like lego.
Elaine has got to be the smartest, most aware injured lady in a Jeepers Creepers horror movie. Not only did she get herself out, she also thought ahead to carry some weapons with her incase.
I guess I have an answer to his development. If he's feeding on brains, makes sense he would absorb the informatiom from them.
I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. Nothing makes sense. How does voodoo come into play? Why would they be feeding it? My head hurts.
I watched the movie hoping for something as exciting as Jeepers Creepers 2, but was disappointed. Elaine is possessed, obviously and she’ll birth another monster.
I should have skipped this, but, oh well, that goes another installment.